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Privacy Manager Services

Privacy Professionals

Reflexive's Privacy Managers will support your organization's data privacy requirements. We take charge of all aspects of the privacy function to help ensure your organization stays compliance with the latest privacy laws and regulations. 

Experienced & Credentialed

Our Privacy Managers are business-minded, seasoned, and credentialed, and have extensive experience in industry. We hold advanced degrees from top universities, and maintain certifications, like CIPP/US, CIPP/E, and CIPP/M.

Compliance Satisfaction

Reflexive's Privacy Managers are focused on compliance with GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA, and other key privacy laws. We provide the proficiency and oversight necessary to meet your risk and compliance requirements. 

Operationally Savvy

Reflexive's Privacy Managers are savvy and possess the skills needed to perform their roles in the most operationally demanding environments. We consistently service companies in the most highly regulated and complex sectors. 

Tech Professionals in Office

Get Started Now!

Get a Reflexive Privacy Manager today to start managing your data privacy operations.

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